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[Sg video] - Kurt Tay met up in real-life with an online hater to fight it out, check out how the fight went.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Kurt Tay himself replied in the EMDW thread posting his video :

KurtTay4ever said:
My Stomach no injury due to many Fat I hav.However my finger is swollen until very Jialat definitely need c Doctor.My Elbow got cut bleeding & my lips also got bleeding

KurtTay4ever : At d age of 14 yrs old Wen Loong started learning Karate.He also learnt Taekwondo, Boxing,Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu & etc.Is Black Belt in Fighting.He fight more than 124 times undefeated never lose before.Wen Loong also says he has fight opponents bigger size & taller than that guy in d video.Wen Loong is an experience pro fighter.Striking is lighting fast & quick.So is Impossible Wen Loong will lose to that Guy.When Wen Loong revenge 4 me I will be very happened!​

KurtTay4ever said:
Good News!Good News!My Good Friend Wen Loong has agreed 2 revenge 4 me!He says will spar With him At Evolve MMA school.Wen Loong learnt MMA there.Wen Loong don't want Void Deck.I will text That Guy if he got balls 2 spar with my friend Wen Loong.That is a reason y I call Wen Loong The Best Fighter In The WorldI seen Wen Loong fight before very fast very good in Fighting.Wen Loong is piss off that guy embarrassed me & will revenge 4 me.Wen Loong is Confident can defeat that Guy in less than 2 mins!

KurtTay4ever :​

noobmaster89 said:
Your friend wen loong win or lose also not your daiji.

Fact is you lost.

Heng is non title match so you still get to wear your belt.
Bu Dong Bu Yao Zhuang Dong.Who says not my Taiji?Wen Loong help me revenge embarrassed him I feels happy!



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

default :​

KurtTay4ever said:
I m asking Wen Loong 2 revenge 4 me by sparring with him mWen Loong is The Best Fighter In The WorldI m His Good friend.Wen Loong experience fighter say less than 2 mins can defeat him
why not u ask those UFC fighter to avenge for you instead? fight for you = you win?

rly got sht inside your brain!



Urm…. He fought like a chao ah qua, lost and he actually uploaded that shit online to share with the whole world?
he's both a chao ah qua and a clown. he really thinks he's a wrestling champion lol. Can see the ah bui is trained, he adopts muay thai stance most of the time

Scrooball (clone)

He was more well-liked when he had breasts. Haha

