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[Sg video] - Italian man is a proud Singaporean with 4-room HDB


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
61% gongkia very happy. PAP use their tax money to build subsidized flats for foreigners. This fucker dare to say he is singaporean. He got serve NS or not? He want sinkie citizenship so bad, I am willing to exchange my citizenship for his italian one. want or not?


Alfrescian (Inf)
61% gongkia very happy. PAP use their tax money to build subsidized flats for foreigners. This fucker dare to say he is singaporean. He got serve NS or not? He want sinkie citizenship so bad, I am willing to exchange my citizenship for his italian one. want or not?
native born italianos can easily return to italy and have their italiano shitizenship reinvoked after renunciation.


61% gongkia very happy. PAP use their tax money to build subsidized flats for foreigners. This fucker dare to say he is singaporean. He got serve NS or not? He want sinkie citizenship so bad, I am willing to exchange my citizenship for his italian one. want or not?
He already say that he choose a flat that no one want to stay. the number 13. to him that is luck to a sinkie is a misfortune. He is just choosing something that sinkies dun want.


Alfrescian (Inf)
All these people are the ones who do not have to serve NS, do not have to go through the crazy education system paying huge amounts for tuition on weekends and find all the best jobs have gone to foreigners and be worried about being retrenched in their forties.
Trash from other countries becomes gold here, that is the hallmark of the dishonourable son's legacy.


He got serve NS 2 years and reservist till 40yo and leave country must ask permission???


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
He already say that he choose a flat that no one want to stay. the number 13. to him that is luck to a sinkie is a misfortune. He is just choosing something that sinkies dun want.
U must be Ah Neh or some other fucking ethnic origin. The number 13 is considered good luck to sinkies. U ask any chinese sinkie what 13 means. Its long life. The number 14 is consider bad number and misfortune to sinkies. It means will die. So therefore, this fucking italian is choosing a number that most sinkies want to take. Got it?


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
All these people are the ones who do not have to serve NS, do not have to go through the crazy education system paying huge amounts for tuition on weekends and find all the best jobs have gone to foreigners and be worried about being retrenched in their forties.
Trash from other countries becomes gold here, that is the hallmark of the dishonourable son's legacy.
The irony is that citizen tax money go to this type of angmo shit to subsidize their flats


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
He got serve NS 2 years and reservist till 40yo and leave country must ask permission???
Of course not. Pinky and all his SAF scholar genitals also never serve NS, why should he. Only sucker sinkie peasants have to do it


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Unloyal sinkies. It is your honour to get crushed in tank in ns. No one else should, you voted for this
Its DISLOYAL. No such word as unloyal, u illiterate. And there were quite a few NSmen who got crushed by tanks.

A Singaporean

All dumb Sinkies must accept the fact that Angmoh is special. Learn from the monolingual Singlish speaking angmoh wannabe Sinkies.