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[Sg video] - Her friend vomited at prata eatery but refuse to pay $15 cleaning fee demanded by eatery employees


Its time for Govt to come out a LAW ... whenever Citizen / PR / WP holder leave your own house
IF you vomit / puke / litter / dirty / spit anywhere, the Owner or Operator can demand cleaning fee $100 minimum


Actually $15 is not a lot, they should either pay or volunteer to help with the cleaning. In any case. isn't there a fine for littering? :unsure::wink::biggrin:


When i walk into a shop/ eatery and the first thing i get a faint smell of puke, I'm out of there.

If her friend do it in a taxi, you think the driver is going to diam diam?

Byebye Penis

These day go out for dinner, many malaysian and filippino restaurant managers very cocky because our economy is doing so well.


$50 cleaning fee should be rightful amount.. $15 also KPKB, this is typical cheapskate smelly Sinkie!


Alfrescian (Inf)
I think I know why that person vomitted. Towards the end you can spot Lee Hsien Loong's picture on the wall. He's wearing some faggoty neo-batik shirt in that picture. :roflmao:


Alfrescian (Inf)
I think I know why they want to take money.

Intoxication = alcohol.

That eatery is Muslim, see the donation tin for mosque funds on the counter?

And you know their kind's attitude on alcohol... or worse, puked alcohol.

In other words, it's a tax or fine placed on infidels. Passive-aggressive, but not surprising. :cool:


Alfrescian (Inf)
worst biohazard incident was when a passenger on a delta flight had diarrhea after taking off and spilled slimey shit all over the aisle. as a fellow passenger you not only couldn’t walk on the aisle to go to toilet but also subjected to a foul smell. pilot had to divert flight as it was unbearable for all.
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syed putra

You dirty the place, you pay for the cleaning. It's a fair deal.
The beer she drank cost more than the cleaning fees.


Alfrescian (Inf)
You dirty the place, you pay for the cleaning. It's a fair deal.
The beer she drank cost more than the cleaning fees.
if it’s a medical or health mishap, it’s sexempted in the u.s. unless one blatantly goes on a solo trip even though heshe is aware of hisher condition. 1st responders will send himher a bill.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Actually $15 is not a lot, they should either pay or volunteer to help with the cleaning. In any case. isn't there a fine for littering? :unsure::wink::biggrin:
Don't want to pay $15 and also don't want to help clean up the mess. Wait till she or her friend vomit in a taxi or Grab car. The bill will be closer to $100.

syed putra

Don't want to pay $15 and also don't want to help clean up the mess. Wait till she or her friend vomit in a taxi or Grab car. The bill will be closer to $100.
These people cannot hold their drink best stay sober. Want to show off for what?


It is the restaurant responsibility to keep its premises clean and dry. Imagine when I had food poisoning and shit / vomit in the restaurant, do I still need to "Pay" for the clean up. This is regardless if I got the food poisoning from the restaurant or not.

Paying is just a good will for the inconvenience that I have caused. If the guy is patron ... restaurant has a duty to take care of its patrons. If this guy is just a passerby, then the restaurant has the right to demand a cleaning fees.

However, if place is a kopitiam where public access is available, then sorry, the restaurant has to bear with it.

Race and IQ