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[Sg video] - Cyclist upset with camcar for pointing at him so he purposely block the zebra crossing with his bicycle to show his anger


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

hoolala :​

Yesterday one of my friend who drove grab got delayed by this cyclist.
Even though my friend have stopped but he stop his bicycle in the middle of the road and caused this huge traffic jam from afternoon all the way till night Even thought police came but no action was taken towards the cyclist beside warning.
if you were the driver, what will you do ?


I saw the whole video from Facebook. Driver did not horn, just forward a bit, then this cyclist just acted up for nothing. Crazy, Selfish and self-entitled cyclist who should be send to IMH, actually police should have brought the cyclist to the police station and charged him under public nuisance. Wake up SPF, this is clearly an offence, similar to someone pressing the emergency stop on the MRT when it’s not an emergency.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Fucking moron. All the ones behind also goondu love to queue typical sinkie.
Why no one come down from the bus and grab the fucking bike throw one side?
Charge this fucker for being a nuisance hold up traffic


The farking cyclist deserves a blanket party, then tied to the tree for police to arrest him for causing public nuisance and obstructing traffic.