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[Sg video] - China netizens upset at Sg man for scolding Food Republic China employee for not being able to speak English with him


Alfrescian (Inf)
If this guy says that to an Ah Neh, he will be cut up into pieces and thrown into curry. Modi's men will not put up with sinkees who do not know their place.


Alfrescian (Inf)
'Chinese netizens' are the low IQ Tiongs living behind the Great Firewall and brainwashed by the CCP regime since young to get upset over such trivial stuff. :cool:


It would be fair to consider if the Uncle in the video is also proficient in other countries' native language?
e.g., If he is not, then it could also cause problems for the locals, tio boh? Why Uncle so "sell fish" one?


Everyone should speak Melayu...our national language.

Our national anthem and army commands all in mudd language.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Everyone should speak Melayu...our national language.

Our national anthem and army commands all in mudd language.

Malay is a simple language for simple people. Some people prefer to be more sophisticated. :biggrin: