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[Sg video] - Chicken Genius Singapore says "I made tesla stock drop!"


Don't know what to say, at first tell people to DCA, now tell people to time the market.

I wonder whether what is MAS' position on this kind of video?

Scrooball (clone)

If he’s so smart, he will just be making money from stock market. Not spending time to edit and upload videos la.

Everyone talk like they are some genius or financial whiz on YouTube. Lol


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
If he’s so smart, he will just be making money from stock market. Not spending time to edit and upload videos la.

Everyone talk like they are some genius or financial whiz on YouTube. Lol

If YouTubers get enough views, they get paid by YouTube. Many young sinkies are now trying to be social media stars on YouTube or Tik-Tok.