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[Sg video] - 6jul2024 yishun ave 4 & st 51 cyclist fail to conform to red light signal & hit black mpv


many cyclists like that one.
unlike me the most law abiding cyclist. i will even bring myself to a stop at zebra crossing :laugh:


Alfrescian (Inf)
many cyclists like that one.
unlike me the most law abiding cyclist. i will even bring myself to a stop at zebra crossing :laugh:

Many electric wheelchair riders are also like that. They genuinely believe they are entitled to have everyone give way to them. :rolleyes:


Old Fart
Lucky for her the car hit her bicycle's front first and she was mostly sideswiped. Bicycles and PMDs cause plenty of accidents because riders are not aware of traffic rules, do not have insurance, and riders are also mostly retards especially the female ones.