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[Sg video] - 18 locations in Singapore hit by bomb threats


Is Mayfair 1 of the 18 locations ?
Gansiokbin repeatedly reported to shan that her house got terrorist wor.


May all fellow citizens stay calm. From the NEA building security search & checks, it was found out to be hoax. WHO is or are the hoaxers? They will be found out in time, even within matters of hours or days.

Clue 1:-

The 18 locations is a clue. Only a certain ethic Worldwide group would use the figure of 18 as it symbolizes with 'luck'. Alone the figure 8 is often associated with luck. with 18, it symbolizes SURE luck. Thus investigators can narrow down though NEVER to leave any stone un-turn in their investigations.

Clue 2:-

Although the authorities did the right thing to NOT reveal where the other 17 locations are, so that they can weed out who is the hoaxer & not some insane nut case who desires bragging rights but will NOT be able to reveal the other locations, so as to find the REAL culprit, & focus on his/her motivations, etc, to prevent another such case from happening.

Clue 3:-
In this age of tech advances, there is NO WHERE that the culprit can hide. Any online site that offers email services will have data storage servers. Anyone who applies for such services will need to provide their personal particulars & even if incognito, their IP addresses would be logged onto the servers, which will show what computer, software & even GPS locations, even if the user does not allow such. It is LOGGED on to the service providers & such information can be retrieved by Law.

Even if he/she attempts to delete the email after posting, evidences can still be found. Through our scientific advances, we now know the speed of light travels at 299, 792,458 m/per second. Most assumed that with the click of the 'send' button, it will take only 1 second for an email to be received. However, in truth of Mathematics, time & speed can be broken down into NANO SECONDS, which means for 1 second, it can broken down into BILLIONTH of a second.

In the same measure - DISTANCES too, can be measured & found thru calculations - distance over time - to PINPOINT where one is when the email was sent even if one is in Siberia or in a cafe next to NEA building, & with many places that comes with surveillance cameras, there is nowhere to hide. And should one have access to a Quantum Mechanics Processor, one would be able to find out where the culprit is even if he/she is hiding on the 14th floor of a hotel thru Qu-bits computing-xyz axis & GPS satellites.

Hypothesis 1:

The culprit may be someone with psychological issues thru numerous presumed 'slights' in life, & thus those foolish threats to get the pain out of his/her mind. May he surrender to the authorities whom will be lenient & will offer mental health help. This is Singapore & we will leave no one behind. There is really no need to harm or hurt others.

Hypothesis 2:-

Should the bomb threats be made by someone with ill intentions, we may be dealing with an intelligent individual. Those threats were not meant to harm, but only to TAKE NOTE of the RESPONSES from the security authorities - time taken for owners to call the police, time taken for police to arrive, which other securities agencies are involved, what did they do, etc, etc.

Such DETAILS are taken & noted, so that COUNTER MEASURES by the bomber will ensure the fulfillment of his/her objectives - to TOTALLY harm, such as distractions, traffic delays, communications disrupted, etc, etc to hamper security forces, when the REAL bomb is emplaced...

Ultimately, we as a Nation will NOT live in fear. No mortals live forever... No matter what Barbarians do to us, they WILL NOT BE ABLE to kill us ALL. WE are far more than them. They will eventually reveal their motives, & the rest of us that survive, we will respond in kind collectively...


Some money laundering organizations not happy with Singapore for confiscating $1 billion of their hard earned money?


No Simon says means no bomb threat.
If got bomb won't have threat I.e it will explode and there is 0 chance to prevent it.


Yes should be the tiongs not happy with mo ey confiscated,so rested all these,US already say sg is a money laundry hub,n these acts created unrealistic housing prices ,it affected all properties,cb,id they started in 2016 means those bought at that time onwards all will be jialat

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
18 locations include embassies. I dare say it’s the orchard area including NEA building. American club, British embassy and such. To add smokescreen include China embassy. But embassies and American club can be ruled out because they have tight security already. Except NEA building that’s y the tight cordon thrown. The security company will be roasted - though it is a hoax but fact that the building is lockdown for a week is strange.

The culprit is no doubt overseas. Even if police knows who they cannot do anything. I wonder if that interpol building is a target as well.