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[Sg video] - 1 on 1 fight between 2 men (including a local blonde)


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
More Singaporeans are practicing MMA on the streets.




Alfrescian (Inf)
I wonder why none of the brawlers used submission holds on their opponents?

It's more effective than swinging wildly or using furniture.



This is called friendly match.

Those police case ones are knock-out competition - the trophy is Beer Aunty's thongs. :eek:
Nice to have this kind of friendlee match both as a spectator and fighter :thumbsup:
As a fighter we can test our own physical capabilities rather than verbal.


Alfrescian (Inf)
This is not good for Sinkapore's image. Time to implement tougher law. One penalty for all crimes - death. That will reduce crime in Sinkapore to zero. Simple and will save lots of money too. Will lead to less demand for lawyers as cases drop. Also, can reduce headcounts in the legal civil service.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
This is not good for Sinkapore's image. Time to implement tougher law. One penalty for all crimes - death. That will reduce crime in Sinkapore to zero. Simple and will save lots of money too. Will lead to less demand for lawyers as cases drop. Also, can reduce headcounts in the legal civil service.
The poor fighting skills is a big embarrassment for Singapore. We need someone who can make Singapore great again.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Dumb blond kept using his one special move. If his right swing kenna the opponent it's a KO .. but miss hit means he falls over