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[Sg video] - 1 guy kena beaten up by gang until unconscious in public


Alfrescian (Inf)

20-year-old man under investigation after brawl in Cuscaden Road​


Videos circulating on social media showed the fight took place outside Ming Arcade mall, opposite Hard Rock Cafe. PHOTOS: SCREENGRAB FROM SG.SHARES/INSTAGRAM
Gabrielle Chan

Feb 27, 2023

SINGAPORE - A 20-year-old man is under investigation after a fight broke out in Cuscaden Road on Saturday morning.
In response to queries from The Straits Times, the police said they were alerted to a fight along Cuscaden Road at about 2.50am. The police did not say whether anyone was injured in the fight.
Videos circulating on social media showed the fight took place outside Ming Arcade mall, opposite Hard Rock Cafe.
In the video, a group of individuals can be seen punching a young man in a black T-shirt. He tries to run away but trips and falls, landing on the road.
Four men continue to kick and rain blows on the man while he is on the ground. The group stops attacking him briefly when others step in to break up the fight. A woman then falls after apparently being pushed.
Towards the end of the 54-second video, an individual stomps on the man’s head before being stopped by another guy.
After the brawl, some onlookers could be seen checking on the victim.

The police said that the 20-year-old man is assisting with investigations.
ST has contacted the Singapore Civil Defence Force for more information.

orh mee suah

Why get so worked up? All captured on video. It's a matter of time all involved will be arrested, like the Orchard Towers case.