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[Sg] - The Clifford Clinic disfigure my daughter (from chiobu become old hag) and still dare to make false accusations and police report against her


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
My daughter visited the Clifford clinic in Feb this year and underwent procedures by doctor Chow Yuen Ho that damaged her face and health. My daughter has been contacting their clinic about the complications she has been experiencing from the aesthetic procedures and asking for information about the products that were used but the doctor who did the procedures told my daughter she has a psychological condition and blocked her.

On Oct 15, I accompanied my daughter to the Clifford clinic. When my daughter was peacefully requesting doctor Chow Yuen Ho to release the medical record for her case over the phone, the manager of the Clifford clinic suddenly called the police. We were forced to leave the clinic without getting the medical record. We just request for the details from doctor Chow on the products and dose used so that my daughter can seek proper remedial treatment if possible. This factual information should be made known to us.

Without providing the medical record, doctor Chow yet again kept saying my daughter got psychological problems that have nothing to do with him, and said to my daughter, "Please do not make my life difficult." My daughter felt insulted by doctor Chow's remarks after he already caused a drastic difference in her appearance where she used to be a lively cheerful girl but finds it hard to accept this sudden drastic unfavourable change. As a mother, it is heartbreaking to see my daughter in grief and this has been a turmoil for our family. I want her to move forward but at the same time it is almost impossible to do so without redress for procedures by the doctor that caused her to incur abnormalities a person her age not normally would.

It should be addressed that doctor Chow has caused a trauma to my daughter. As an aesthetic doctor, Chow must know that damage to one's looks can have a deep psychological impact on their well-being.

The doctor and clinic cannot be trusted. They have no empathy and humanity.

The severity of disfigurement is the kind where no doctor would simply be confident enough to restore her face back to how it were before she visited The Clifford Clinic

It should be investigated Chow Yuen Ho's knowledge in filler products, the product he used that my daughter did not get to check and how much he knows about the enzyme he used to dissolve the filler he botched. Did he stick to a safe dose or not?
And not waste resources on investigating my daughter on something she did not do and causing her unnecessary stress.

The clinic's reply?
Dear E, We have received your review regarding your daughter's experience at our clinic. We take all patient concerns seriously and are committed to providing the highest quality of care.(1) We understand that you are upset about your daughter's experience. However, we must respectfully disagree with the allegations made in your review. As you know, your daughter has been repeatedly provided with the necessary medical records and information regarding her treatment.(2) It is also important to note that any threatening or abusive behavior, such as death threats against our families are taken seriously. A police report has been filed for the safety of our families and staffs.(3) We would like to reiterate that our primary goal is to provide compassionate and effective care to all of our patients. We encourage anyone with concerns to engage in respectful dialogue and to utilize appropriate channels for resolution.






My daughter has been contacting your clinic in vain ever since complications arose after Chow Yuen Ho's procedures but you did not send a single reply.

(2) My daughter did not get to check the products used by Chow Yuen Ho and no medical record has been provided to us. Instead of providing proper aftercare they should, the clinic and the doctor blocked my daughter saying she has a psychological problem.

(3) On 10 October, I accompanied my daughter to mediation with dr Chow Yuen Ho. Throughout the whole mediation, Chow made little address to the procedures he did to my daughter that resulted in disfigurement and systemic health damage. Instead, Chow printed out screenshots of anonymous messages he received on instagram that has nothing to do with my daughter and accused my daughter of "making his life miserable by threatening him and his family" which my daughter never did. Also, the account is associated with an American phone number and is likely to be in America. Yet, Chow repeatedly reports my daughter to the police saying his whole family, clinic and staff are threatening by her for two instagram messages he received by an American person causing my daughter to be repeatedly contacted by the police and called down to the police station for investigation.
On 1 Oct while still overseas, my daughter already received various calls from a police investigation officer who contacted her to cooperate with investigations on reports made by Chow Yuen Ho against her. On 10 Oct mediation, my daughter made it very clear to Chow that she has never seen the anonymous instagram account before that does not belong to her and made it very clear to Chow that she has never sent any "death threat" to him as he claimed. However, on 15 Oct 2024 while I accompanied my daughter to peacefully request the Clifford Clinic for her medical record, the manager reported my daughter to the police again for "threatening" them. We made our way to the clinic as discussed during mediation and also informed Chow via email priorly, not without notice.

My daughter has been going through this disastrous disfigurement alone while overseas and there is nothing wrong with her joining a support group on Facebook. The clinic even reported her facebook so now she cannot login after failed selfie verification. She could not tell her friends that she has been disfigured and talked to people in the support group who had similar experience as her only solace. I have told her to be careful with revealing personal info in support groups.

Is Chow really familiar with filler procedures? Did he ever bother familiarising with the drugs he used on my daughter before administering? Did he bother familiarising with risks of the procedures he performed on my daughter before deciding to do them at such high dose and frequency? These are questions that needs to be addressed and a patient file with relevant information is required. And not spending 2 hours during mediation talking about "being threatened" and not listening to my daughter, rendering the mediation session inconclusive. And then continuing to cause disaster on my family by putting my disfigured and distressed daughter through police investigations.
The Clifford Clinic playing the victim after causing permanent disfigurement to a customer should not be let off unpunished.
For for someone who is already dealing with permanent disfigurement, the clinic that disfigured her is going too far with their doings just to shun responsibility to be accountable for what they have caused.

syed putra

Women never satisfied with how they look. You go see plastic surgeons chances are you end up paying them to screw up the face.


"My daughter visited the Clifford clinic in Feb this year and underwent procedures by doctor Chow Yuen Ho...."

She should have consulted Dr Chow Yun Fat instead.

images - 2024-10-23T162119.968.jpeg


She needs a caring boyfriend who appreciates her, someone like @syed putra who will make her feel beautiful. She doesn't need a Dr.

Now that she thinks she may have been disfigured, again she doesn't need a Dr. She needs a lawyer.

Or she can start with Iris' AI.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Should have gone to South Korea for plastic surgery. Forget about all these half-fuck doctors in Sinkieland.


Before or after the procedure, her daughter still has a cb looking face. Nothing can be done to change that fact.


Alfrescian (InfP) + Mod
Generous Asset
The girl was actually quite cute to begin with and had to go and do all these funny injections. Haiz. Wasted.