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[Sg] Tan Kin Lian says as President, he promises to make MRT toilets easier to find, something that irritated him as an old man needing to urine/shit


Alfrescian (Inf)
Many of the newer MRT stations... you have to walk quite a distance (especially from certain entrances) if you just want to go inside for a quick pee and poo. I highly doubt Mr Tan KL can do much to change this. :biggrin:


Actually I find the directional sign of a toilet vs a lift is sometimes confusing when I didn't wear my specs, even in shopping centres. Because they both have the man sign.


at least he knows what commoners face everyday unlike those two elitists tharman and floorkisser cockman
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Scrooball (clone)

at least he knows what commoners face everyday unlike those two elitists tharman and floorkisser cockman
Haha… since old men are always so lusty and yet can’t find women to fuck, maybe he should legalize prostitution across the country? Listen to yourself, u clowns don’t even know what u are talking about.

Look in the mirror. U are middle aged or older. You most likely have a dead beat job and a fat wife and rude kids. U are pissed off cos u can’t afford the car COE or stay in a condo. Then u blame the PAP for your miserable life.


Alfrescian (Inf)
We're voting for a President to guard our reserves and to represent us before foreign leaders. TKL hasn't the slightest clue about being our President.
hanor, but a toilet with large signage will be nearby for visiting dignitories, rest (room) assured! :whistling: