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[Sg] - Sylvia Lim : During COP, she waited in a guarded room for TWO DAYS, had to be escorted to use toilet and had all electronic devices taken away


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Sylvia Lim also noted the taxing nature of the proceedings, sharing her experience of having "waited for two days in a guarded room" where she was "denied the use of communication devices".

"When I needed to visit the bathroom. I was accompanied by security. When I requested to use the disabled toilet to have more space, permission had to be sought."

"Doesn't all this border on oppressive?" she asked.


A Singaporean

This is what PAP will give it to her the next time


Singapore Dancing Spirit

While I was having my desserts in a Hawker center near Pasir Ris East CC, look who stumbled across each other?
Sylvia Lim had her simple meals as if her salary is not sufficient.

This makes me to think PAP MPs are arrogant and unapproachable.
They will show up only when GE is around the corner.


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Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Sylvia Lim also noted the taxing nature of the proceedings, sharing her experience of having "waited for two days in a guarded room" where she was "denied the use of communication devices".

"When I needed to visit the bathroom. I was accompanied by security. When I requested to use the disabled toilet to have more space, permission had to be sought."

"Doesn't all this border on oppressive?" she asked.


Was oppie Sylvia wearing leg shackles? If I were in charge of security, I would have made her wear those leg shackles. You never know if she would try to run away, like the other oppie Charlie.


Was oppie Sylvia wearing leg shackles? If I were in charge of security, I would have made her wear those leg shackles. You never know if she would try to run away, like the other oppie Charlie.
You are right.

She could have learnt some dribbling skills from Quah Kim Song.