Stupid sinkies need to know the difference of a scam vs a fraud.
A scam is you ownself stupid and ownself give otp or download malicious app to allow manipulation.
A fraud is something beyond your control.
Do not let the bank staff mislead you about fraud and scam , to make you pay up.
In this koufu case, it is a fraud, not a scam.
Fuck the bank staff and don't pay up the credit card bill.
If is debit card, then too bad your money is gone.
For the benefits of samsters who aren't aware of a secured and unsecured transactions.
An unsecured transactions can be done by fraudster without you disclosing any of your card information. Eg a bank staff can sell your card info to a fraudster.
There are merchants that doesn't requires any security verifications when fraudster make purchases. One of it is Amazon market place. They just need to enter your cc/dc number and ccv, and you will not be notified of these transactions.
When you realised this had happened, you Leeport it to the bank, and the bank will only lodge a investigation to the merchant and try to do a charge back for you.
In the case of a credit card, this is none of your business as you can just don't pay your cc bill.
But if it is a debit card, the problem becomes yours as the money has already been deducted from your bank account.
Which silly asshole allows such thing to happen?
The answer is yourself.
Becos you applied a debit card blindly without knowing the consequences.
Or when you loose your wallet, fraudster who pick it up can go use pay wave to buy things.
Which silly asshole allows such thing to happen?
The answer is yourself.
Becos you applied a debit card blindly without knowing the consequences.