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[Sg] - Someone is paying a lot of money to advertise "PAP is scared of Mr Teo En Ming" on social media


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset


Alfrescian (Inf)
What the hell is this?


May 01, 2022
Subject: [24 Mar 2022 Thursday] Erectile Dysfunction and Viagra

I have erectile dysfunction due to taking medications for mental illness (schizophrenia). Without Viagra, my penis is soft like jelly most of the time. There is no way I can penetrate a woman’s vagina due to erectile dysfunction. Today is the very 1st time I am taking Viagra. It allows my penis to remain hard and fully erected for 2 solid hours during sexual intercourse. Thanks Viagra! I can finally have sex! I am already 44 years old. What am I missing out in life?????? Do I still qualify to be a Japanese Adult Video (JAV) porn star actor????????