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[Sg] - Some stalls at new Sembawang hawker centre charging up to 80 cents for takeaway containers, because biogegradable more expensive!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
It 'pays' to be environmentally woke.





Alfrescian (Inf)
These newer 'hawker centres' are nothing more than non-aircon food courts run by various F&B cronies. Symptomatic of an urban shithole where everything goes to the highest bidder. :cool:


Canopy Hawkers Group (CHG) is a subsidiary of Food Canopy Pte. Ltd., a food court, coffee shop, and food kiosk operator with over 11 years of experience. CHG was incorporated to specifically manage and operate hawker centres. It firmly believes in championing initiatives that promote healthier eating and eco-friendly practices and is also motivated by the passion for Singapore’s hawker culture and desire to want to preserve this heritage for future generations.

A picture is worth a thousand words. God help you if you still can't tell the difference. Don't think too much, just eat and sate your gluttony for the day. :roflmao:




Don't u oppies want to save the environment? Change the world? :rolleyes:
I am not into that...in singkieland bcos of incinerators there is no need for such BS packaging. N pls note these packaging does not last as long and require more resources to manufacture...so are they really environmentally friendly n worth that effort?


Alfrescian (Inf)

Temasek and BlackRock Launch Decarbonization Investment Partnership​

13 APR 2021

It pays because traitors have sold out the country to Blackrock. :cool:

This is why shortly after this happened, you keep hearing the S-word: sustainability, constantly spouted by your local propagandists.

ESG investing


Flying Horse

These newer 'hawker centres' are nothing more than non-aircon food courts run by various F&B cronies. Symptomatic of an urban shithole where everything goes to the highest bidder. :cool:


A picture is worth a thousand words. God help you if you still can't tell the difference. Don't think too much, just eat and sate your gluttony for the day. :roflmao:


When everything goes to the higher bidder, who ended up paying the tab ? No one else but the Consumers. Sure, those sly and cunning politicians would come out with all the bull crap to fool the gullible again.


I guess this shows many sinkies are not sincere when it comes to saving the environment.

Fuck the "save the environment" shit! Dollars and cents are far far more important. Who gives a fuck to what will happen to the globe in 50 years time? We're gone by then. Let future generations deal with the issue.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Fuck the "save the environment" shit! Dollars and cents are far far more important. Who gives a fuck to what will happen to the globe in 50 years time? We're gone by then. Let future generations deal with the issue.

PAP and sinkies will still be around 50 years from now.