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[Sg] - Singaporeans form long queues to deposit their monies into DBS Bank, OCBC Bank and Maybank for attractive interest rates


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset



It’s a trap. Once they roll out digital currency, your money will be their money. You will own nothing and be happy. And you will have no access to your paltry sums if you misbehave. Recent rumblings in China attest to that


Alfrescian (Inf)
What if, hypothetically, they are unable to retrieve the money from their fixed deposit accounts? :sneaky:


You need to queue? Can't you open a term deposit online?
Most of those in the queues are ikan bilis depositing the min sum of at most 20k which doesn't give much difference of interest with any banks, depriving people like me who is keen to deposit real money.

Yes we can open it online. But 1st we need to open a saving account 1st then can place the term deposit. And all these savings account need to have a min sum balance(1 to 3k) in order to avoid the monthly admin fee.

Very troublesome so I rather goto a bank with lower interest rate offered .


Alfrescian (Inf)
These banks are very risky. Singaporeans are stupid because they never listen to Lim Swee Say to deposit money into CPF.


Most of those in the queues are ikan bilis depositing the min sum of at most 20k which doesn't give much difference of interest with any banks, depriving people like me who is keen to deposit real money.

Yes we can open it online. But 1st we need to open a saving account 1st then can place the term deposit. And all these savings account need to have a min sum balance(1 to 3k) in order to avoid the monthly admin fee.

Very troublesome so I rather goto a bank with lower interest rate offered .
I would say good riddance to all these lowlife sinkie scums. For me to queue up make sense if I have the time to spare as an amount of say 500k make a difference with the few bits of rate difference. Last time I also have to endure the sg pool queues to collect money. No More such nonsense with the 10cents online transactions:cool:


I would say good riddance to all these lowlife sinkie scums. For me to queue up make sense if I have the time to spare as an amount of say 500k make a difference with the few bits of rate difference. Last time I also have to endure the sg pool queues to collect money. No More such nonsense with the 10cents online transactions:cool:
On the bright side luckily they still impose a min say 20k or else you will sure scums of scums queuing up depositing $500 or 1 2 5 10k :cool:


On the bright side luckily they still impose a min say 20k or else you will sure scums of scums queuing up depositing $500 or 1 2 5 10k :cool:
Seriously some of these loser of losers can behave as if striking 4d with a deposit of 10k @2.7%. KNNBCCB what can per year $270 do for you ? Use your fucking brain please.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Many many moons ago, a customer asked me why my branch has no queue and I told him I prefer it this way as I save on hiring more tellers and branch officers , pay less insurance on cash holdings and do not have to constantly pay for security to escort the cash in the vault to central bank .
I deliberately keep my board rates low but pay much higher rates to big depositors .
One customer even told me he always deposit his millions with me because he can have direct access to me and have drinks and meals together and this is more worthwhile than a few more dollars in interest


All these sinkies ate dumb ,it's like putting money into a poor person pocket,lol,now banks are really broke, giving interest for money deposited, sinkies like to take risks,lol,must ve the dumb 60 percent