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SG Shot Itself in the Foot, Forever Banned from BRICS


the cheebai already prised open until so big, plus you have a moonlighting ah neh who serves their masters hand and foot, how to enter?


BRICS is just another death trap. Every member of the BRICS community is there only to reap the benefits but not really wanting to contribute.


I don't recall reading about singapore asking to join BRICS.
There's many things that happens that the gov will not openly announce.
Haven't you learnt anything about how they work?

Gosh . If ASEAN join Brics n leave Singapore out …doesn’t this make Singapore a pariah of Asean ..???
The whole neighbourhood doesn't like Singapore
The analogy is like that rich miserly snobby neighbour who everybody wishes will die quickly.


Old Fart
There's many things that happens that the gov will not openly announce.
Haven't you learnt anything about how they work?
I do not know, you probably know more than me. BTW, the video is set to private. Maybe it's because it's full of shit? Just sayin'.