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[Sg] - Serangoon Eatery Called the Police After A Couple on First Date Didn’t Agree on Who Should Pay


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

Both Left Separately Without Paying $269.55

On 15 March 2022, a couple who met online decided to go to Pa Bul Lo Korean BBQ at 63 Serangoon Garden Way for their first date.

The food they ordered included Wagyu beef, hot tea, soft drinks and rice wine, and it all totalled $269.55.

At about 8:32pm, both of them left their seats. The lady, who was in a black dress, went to the toilet, probably expecting the man to pay.

However, the man, who was in a blue shirt, walked leisurely towards the door. As there were customers paying at the counter, the staff did not see the man walking out.

At 8:36pm, the woman came out of the toilet, and left the restaurant without paying as well. You can watch the closed-circuit television (CCTV) footage here.



Leestoran should learn from some kopi uncle owner - put a crate below tables that haven't paid. After pay up they will kick the crate away not take away. Last time my uncle didn't know what the crate was for so he kicked it away and the owner kicked back the crate KNN


Alfrescian (Inf)
Wow, first date already eating wagyu? :biggrin:

If a woman likes you, she'll be pleased even if you treat her to Jollibee. :wink:

Scrooball (clone)

Aiyo preying on vulnerable and poor maids is the lowest a man can go.

Topping up Hi! cards for maids instead of buying a Birkin expected from a local chick.