Firstly he will be bankrupted matter of time. Then he will be jailed or dead sooner or later. The money lenders are not interested in you keeping your job and pay mediocre amounts.
They want you to beg and borrow steal or cheat for whatever money they can squeeze outta you first. Then they would recommend some smaller 'Ah Long' to you and they take the upfront money as your payment for 'interest' you go beg, borrow, steal pay back, your problem.
These small time 'Ah Long' will hammer you they will beat you up wan, if you can't pay up after a few times when you failed the deadline.
Ultimately they want you to courier for them as drug mule prolly not locally, to or across certain countries. I used to have some ex-workers working for me in the same plight like him then later caught, jailed and then after few years got probation lanz lanz ... working day release under police/prison supervisions.
Dun playz playz, there are no short cuts to earn money.