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[Sg] - Prabu Ramachandran says PAP is secretly exploiting Singaporeans via CPF, and he wants Singaporeans to wake up


Alfrescian (Inf)
Just treat CPF as taxation on your disposable income. Don't care about those meaningless digits in your CPF account.


Exploit 18.y.o boys into slaves for 2 years in the name of Nation defence term...

Nation defence is for regular.... and NSF liability boys must be pay the same salary as regulars... period.... no if no but...


This guy going to kena from PAP and will have to pay $100 per month for his next 3 generations and he will end up washing toilets.


What is Prabu talking about ? Even pap were to return those old fart cleaners their cpf money, they still need to be a cleaner as the money they have in cpf is too little to last for a lifetime.


What is Prabu talking about ? Even pap were to return those old fart cleaners their cpf money, they still need to be a cleaner as the money they have in cpf is too little to last for a lifetime.
Sometimes these oppies talk without using brain. Want to talk must talk full truth mah