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Jiuhu Boleh....Sinki guru can go teach in Jiuhu Sekolah hah?


KUALA LUMPUR, June 12 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today said that he had discussed with Singapore Prime Minister Lawrence Wong the possibility of sending Singaporean teachers to Malaysia.

Anwar said he spoke to Wong regarding official issues that they had prepared beforehand but wanted to prove a point that personal relationships between both prime ministers were also important.

“We touched on the broad parameters to discuss issues of water, FIR (Flight Information Region Agreement), and maritime borders which will be resolved but beyond that, we did discuss the possibility of Singapore considering my humble submission of sending teachers to teach English or some other subjects to many regions in this country, let the young graduates make their own choice.


I’m extremely pleased that Lawrence is prepared to positively see this, this is not something we prepared through the officers we want just to prove that sometimes prime ministers can decide too,” he said during a press conference after meeting with his Singaporean counterpart during their first bilateral meeting earlier today.

Wong on the other hand thanked Anwar for inviting him to Malaysia and said he wanted to establish a good working rapport with Anwar and said their lunch and durians for dessert was a good start.

“I thought it was important to come in early and establish a good rapport and we have done so today over a lovely meal and durians for dessert,” he said.

Wong arrived in Malaysia yesterday for a two-day working visit at the invitation of Anwar. This is his inaugural visit to Malaysia after being sworn in as the prime minister on May 15.


Good neighbour karcheng must have pluck pluck sound, amd free flow steal lunch, right Boss John ?

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
sibeh good...go there kenna innoculated by PAS , come back and teach the kids that mutts good, chinks bad....soon Singapore will return back to Muttland.


sibeh good...go there kenna innoculated by PAS , come back and teach the kids that mutts good, chinks bad....soon Singapore will return back to Muttland.
Then, Sultan and visit Empreor and observe Tiongkok People Congress?


This is a typical Anwar style, throwing out a wild card and never follow statesmen’s protocol.

Lawrence Wong should also propose to Anwar to accept outspoken ACS boys to go to Skudai Johore to study Malay in Malaysia for 3 months.
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If you look at below clip and Anwar speech, you may know that Singapore had overpaid Halimah

both are Malay and about the same age but Halimah? I don’t need to comment and you know her speech standard


Laolan Wrong shd recipocrate the good gesture by asking anwar cum here teach how to kena poke kar chng and yet can derive pleasure out of it. Multiple times some more.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Oops! Mods pls merge :



https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2024/06/1062651/anwar-wong discuss-placing-singaporean-teachers-malaysia


There is no doubt on the quality of MOE teachers as most if not all have an Uni degree.

However & sadly, the insignificant nobody me had experienced and seen how they work. They have KPI, career paths & salary to worry about and thus they mainly focus on the best students.

Students whom are slow learners would be left to their own devices and ignored....such as those whom desire for arts, sports, cooking, personal grooming & wellness, etc than the 3 r's....

Only our Northlight school where those students whom teachers had given up hope on, have truly dedicated teachers whom made a difference to young minds, whom are Humanity's future...

.in a world where most have PhD, the garage mechanic is KING, as he will be the only one willing to get his hands dirty and fix cars and dictate service charge, and become a billionaire...

The point is - it is NOT MOE teachers that pushed up the educational level of our youths

The REALITY of our academic success lays with the ancient Greek pedagoge system - one on one tutelage of keen minds as well as a life coach to each kid.

Just ask ANY Singaporean Uni kid if they had tutors,and one will realize 98% do have them....

Thus, if our neighbor wish to uplift & elevate citizens & their youths, the education ministry must look deeper, not just on quality of teachers, but the managed costs & pragmatic physiological uplifting of kids loving parents thru personal professional tutelage to give their loved ones a better chance in life,,,

Each Earthborn Human life is precious and means something special to another.

We Singaporeans will leave no one behind as best as we can, more so our beloved kids in their crucial formative years..(w)holistic.Education, pragmatic & without dogmas of religions or politics, will see hope, progress, evolution & survival.of Humanity...

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