The blood donation questionaire form was updated recently.
1) On the first page, there is now a new subcategory for those who stated their race is 'Others' i.e. not Chinese, Indian or Malay. On that subcategory's list are Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia and other continents or regions. So for example, a Japanese donor would tick 'Others' then 'Northeast Asia' in the box below.
2) There is now a question asking whether you had sex with a new partner in the last three months, and they now define 'new partner' to include also those whom you had ended a relationship with previously, but started seeing again. Previously, this question was 'Did you have sex with someone you had known for less than three months'. And many years ago, it was 'Did you have sex with someone you had known for less than six months'.
I'm guessing the millennial and Gen Z folks fuck around a lot, the form had to be updated to reflect the societal norms.