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[Sg] - PAP Chee Hong Tat gets Murali Pillai and Lau Peet Meng to help him do the work of the Ministry of Transport


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset


Chee Hong Tat 徐芳达

A warm welcome to Murali Pillai, who joined MOT as Minister of State (MOS) today. MOS Murali will assist me to look after the maritime industry and our engagements with the transport unions, as well as some land transport matters such as transport technologies and public bus services.

One area I have asked Murali to focus on is to lead a tripartite taskforce on bus safety. Murali has been a strong advocate of road safety, and this will be a useful platform to work with our tripartite partners to review how we can enhance safety for commuters, bus captains and other road users. While the annual number of serious collision accidents involving public buses has remained stable in the past few years (207 in 2022, 207 in 2023, and 75 up to end May 2024), safety is a key priority for our public transport network. The review will build on the safety initiatives and practices that our operators and workers have put in place over the years, and identify ways to make further improvements.

Besides representatives from the relevant Government agencies, the taskforce will include stakeholders from the Union (National Transport Workers' Union), public bus operators (Go-Ahead Singapore, SBS Transit Ltd, SMRT, Tower Transit Singapore), and the Singapore Road Safety Council. It aims to complete its review by early next year.

I also extend a warm welcome to Mr Lau Peet Meng, who is joining MOT today as PS(Transport Development), and express my deep appreciation to Ms Lai Wei Lin for her service and contributions to MOT family. Wei Lin is going to Ministry of Health, Singapore as Permanent Secretary, and we wish her all the best in her new posting!





Chee Hong Tat 徐芳达

A warm welcome to Murali Pillai, who joined MOT as Minister of State (MOS) today. MOS Murali will assist me to look after the maritime industry and our engagements with the transport unions, as well as some land transport matters such as transport technologies and public bus services.

One area I have asked Murali to focus on is to lead a tripartite taskforce on bus safety. Murali has been a strong advocate of road safety, and this will be a useful platform to work with our tripartite partners to review how we can enhance safety for commuters, bus captains and other road users. While the annual number of serious collision accidents involving public buses has remained stable in the past few years (207 in 2022, 207 in 2023, and 75 up to end May 2024), safety is a key priority for our public transport network. The review will build on the safety initiatives and practices that our operators and workers have put in place over the years, and identify ways to make further improvements.

Besides representatives from the relevant Government agencies, the taskforce will include stakeholders from the Union (National Transport Workers' Union), public bus operators (Go-Ahead Singapore, SBS Transit Ltd, SMRT, Tower Transit Singapore), and the Singapore Road Safety Council. It aims to complete its review by early next year.

I also extend a warm welcome to Mr Lau Peet Meng, who is joining MOT today as PS(Transport Development), and express my deep appreciation to Ms Lai Wei Lin for her service and contributions to MOT family. Wei Lin is going to Ministry of Health, Singapore as Permanent Secretary, and we wish her all the best in her new posting!
