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Sg now got moar siao lang since CB


Alfrescian (Inf)
What a basket case of a country when semi-lockdown enforcers are called 'ambassadors'.

Always using flowery and feel-good language to cover up the truth. :rolleyes:


What do you expect hungry lost depress stress lonely people nowadays.
You thinking people here still so very tame like normal days.


This happened in the US recently....
Three family members have been charged in the killing of a security guard who told a customer at a Michigan Family Dollar store to wear a state-mandated face mask


Alfrescian (Inf)
You are dreaming.
This ambassador are mostly teenager tame type.
How do you want them to act aggressive??

Indeed, most of those 'ambassadors' probably don't even want to be there. :wink:

Friendly advice for those 'ambassadors': don't be siao on. Just use your eye power and do the bare minimum. What's the worst the PAP govt would do to you? Fire you from your 'ambassador' job? LOL! :roflmao:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Not sure about Muslims, but when I fast, especially long fasts of 72 hours or more, I feel peace and euphoria. There are no words to describe the feeling.

Yes. We shld feel peace at heart. Body also feel lighter. For Muslims they fast for the sake of Allah azzawajal. Not fast for himself.:smile:


These are the farkers out there doing it deliberately to defy the law n they are trouble makers! Probably released from Changi Resort n they don't mind going in again!