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[Sg] - No outside food allowed at people's park hawker centre after hawkers kpkb people buy food from China stalls outside then go inside eat


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

menthol28 :​

Because at people's park center has a lot of China stalls selling food from the main entrance to the McDonald's side with no seating. I've seen before they end up buying liao sit at hawker center to eat, especially when on weekends the whole of that area is really packed. Can understand the hawkers dulan because they pay for cleaning but end up it's cleaning for food that's not from the hawker center and the tables full because of outside stalls.

tokong :​

Why is it that you always see so many people and jam packed but their business dropped?

Because outside ppc got China stalls selling food. The folks buy from there and then go inside the hawker centre to eat.

This ban will in turn hurt the businesses outside the ppc.

Now another problem comes up. The hawker association has to settle the business drop outside ppc.


URA allowed People Park corporation to rent out stalls for maximizing rent revenue? In old days no such stalls. The shops' display now kena blocked. SCDF also close one eye to fire hazard