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SG New Trend : Eat Steamboat in public



Yew Tee resident gets steamed up over couple cooking in public

November 08, 2022 published at 10:31 AM ByOng Su Mann

Is there such a thing as illegal cooking?
A Yew Tee resident saw people cooking in a pavilion at a housing estate and believed they were breaking the law.
Sharing a video of the incident, Stomp contributor Kieren said that it happened at Choa Chu Kang Crescent on the evening of Oct 26.

He recounted: "I spotted a young couple having ‘steamboat’ in a public space.
"They brought out frozen food, vegetables and meat, and were cooking with their electric induction cooker!
"It is illegal to cook outdoors, especially in the public space of a residential area."
But the couple was sitting near a barbecue pit. Wouldn't that make it okay to cook there?
"In that area, it is not allowed to cook in the pavilion, only in the BBQ area," said the Stomp contributor.
"The spot is for leisure by law.
"And bringing the induction cooker made it worse."
In response to a Stomp query on whether the couple was allowed to cook in the area, the Marsiling-Yew Tee Town Council said: "The town council currently does not have any regulation regarding this.
"However, the town council encourages residents to exercise considerate behaviour and use the common facilities appropriately."


Couple Cooking at downstairs open area is much better then just outside their hdb common corridor walkway. :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
"It is illegal to cook outdoors, especially in the public space of a residential area."

What a dumbass... how about those barbeque pits at HDB parks or condos? BBQ = not cooking? :rolleyes: