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[Sg] - MRT system's mysteriously missing NE2 station


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

17122021Sengkang posted :

The tunnels between Harbourfront (NE1) and Outram (NE3) are bored tunnels (cylindrical tubes) instead of cut-and-cover (rectangular), so it makes it difficult to demolish a section of the tunnels to construct the station box for NE2. It's not like Hume (DT4) and Bukit Brown (CC18), where these two stations already had their station boxes constructed and so they can just fit in the platform screen doors and other station equipment easily while trains continue to operate normally.


red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
it cannot be purposely skip one station one. its later to link cantonment station back into NEL when Great Southern waterfront will be built.
otherwise, they just need to re number it.


2. Will the NE2 MRT Station be built in future?

The NE2 MRT Station site will be located under the linkway between Entrance/Exit C and the platform level of (CCL) Keppel MRT Station. There will be two platform tracks on one platform level. Platform Level Track 1 would be taking one of the Keppel MRT Station unused tracks and the Platform Level Track 2 would be under the Keppel Distripark. But there will be a future developments around Keppel Terminal and Keppel Distripark as the NE2 MRT Station would not be built forever and Keppel MRT station would be alive as the construction site at Keppel MRT Station had already being built…