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SG Maritime Law: Victim pays damages according to kangaroo laws?


SG Maritime Law: Victim pays damages according to kangaroo laws?

Why must a victim ship pay damages for an oil spill? I.e. case of oil bunker Marine Honour (stationary vessel) being hit by dredger Vox Maxima which had lost steering & engine control- Singapore says stationary vessel must pay oil clean up costs compensation. So this means that no ship is safe when the law defends those who don't bother to maintain their ships in decent working condition? https://www.channelnewsasia.com/sin...ion-owner-marine-honour-bunker-vessel-4423686

So I would like to know what kind of Maritime Laws apply in Singapore because it seems like the law seems to defend people who do not bother to maintain their ships, because the damages are not to be borne by irresponsible ship owners whose engines must fail every time a disaster could possibly happen.