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[Sg] - Man in S’pore cries while hugging car he’s letting go due to COE expiration


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset




Do not stay in Sg if you have a passion for cars, it has an expiry date of 10 years. It is an insult to your personal ownership. Plus you give extra tax to the govt as COE and then more road tax and parking fees that comes along in using it, for 10 years.

It is designed to suck your money to the govt while you crave on owning it.

syed putra

Guy just lost $90k if he wants another COE. Its a huge tax burden and a wealth destroyer. Having a car is probably one reason why sinkie cost of living is sooooo high.


Farking useless suaku retard Simp. Firstly, its a ranjiao Ah Beng car with beng stickers. Secondly, its not even a Type R.

So what's there to miss about this car? LMAO.