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[Sg] - Malay PAP Minister of State for Digital Development and Information and Health Rahayu Mahzam sues Donald Low for defamation


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset




syed putra

Suing only Benefit the lawyers. And waste a huge amount of time. Best to just refute the allegations by press statement.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Suing only Benefit the lawyers. And waste a huge amount of time. Best to just refute the allegations by press statement.
for a certain set of FOOking hypocrites pure scum, when people dont behave the way they want them to, then its sue sue sue and FOOking sue... nothing like the threat of losing yr money, yr home, yr life etc - to put you in your place. Don't I know it.


PAP dirty politics continues.... this is the result of voting in PAP as government every 5 years...