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[Sg] -LHY on his brother LHL's raising GST


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

icansing :​

why last time he kept his godamn mouth shut but now trying to rally sinkies to go against his brother?

go balls come out n donate to opposition using your money

if not stfu la.fk u..i hate PAP but i hate this type of person more

Medicated Oil :​

Just want to act saint, stir manure and eat pop corn by the side.
He can just bail out any time.

Evil_Boss :​

didnt see this clown complaining when his father was alive and he was drawing that sweet salary at Changi Airport and Singtel

talk so much but didnt stand for election.

menthol28 :​

He dun even dare to be an opposition but always wanna stir and stir and jiak popcorn. If he really meant good for sinkies come out and be opposition, I sure shift to his ward vote for him.
Last GE dun even wanna join any parties, just wanna support this and that... He might even end up voting for PAP for all we know
