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[Sg] - LHL : Mask wearing to be optional (except public transport and hospitals)


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset




so those kena jailed or fined for not wearing masks....can refund?

pay the fucking imbecile millions to tell citizens....1)only wear mask when you sick....2) all must wear masks regardless.....3)no need wear in open spaces.....now)wear only in hospitals and pubic transport
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JUST IN: Masks will be required only on public transport and in healthcare settings; to be optional in other indoor places.

Don't remove your masks yet. Details will be announced by the multi-ministry task force, says PM Lee.

Waiting for the auspicious timing. Masks still protect one from getting the virus at the moment. Did he not realise how stupid he sounds?


Alfrescian (Inf)
so those kena jailed or fined for not wearing masks....can refund?

pay the fucking imbecile millions to tell citizens....1)only wear mask when you sick....2) all must wear masks regardless.....3)no need wear in open spaces.....now)wear only in hospitals and pubic transport

You must understand: these technocrats take their instructions from the WHO, CDC etc. All singing the same tune. The major things, they decide nothing for themselves. But for the minor, frivolous things e.g. QR code surveillance, I suspect they emulated China's 健康码 system. :rolleyes:

Even places like Australia and Canada turned tyrannical during their management of Covid. :wink: