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[Sg] - KF Seetoh decries Government’s compulsory budget meals initiative as ‘unfair & abusive’ towards pitiful hawkers


this cheebai is a retiree living the good life. Shoots from his cock as and when he feels song, but does nothing useful to alleviate poverty. Go do something if you really care for the larger community. He always talks about his influence and good taste right, why not rally your rich kakis and start a soup kitchen rather than make useless videos that make haters like me despise you? Many of your rich kakis are like you, retired chefs and food tasters. Surely you have enough resources amongst you to put something together


Again sinkiesnhave no brains and need someone to tell them its unfair. Schools have been doing this for decades. No problem because rent is low.

A Singaporean

What to do when you have coolie gene Sinkies who just want cheap food but refuse to hold the people accountable for the high cost of doing business.


I respect this person as he truly speak out,wat he said is truth,Mp say not due rent prices of food goes up.but its really the rent that force meals price increases as increase not just 10 to 50 sgd its by percent, like 30% 50% ,knn,sinkies are dumb,n those celebrity say cost is manpower fuck them all papigs supported,knn actually its rental


Alfrescian (Inf)
Those shameless PAP technocrats need to virtue signal that they care for the low SES folks (votes), they believe everything can be solved by rubberstamping any whim into law. :rolleyes:

Scrooball (clone)

this cheebai is a retiree living the good life. Shoots from his cock as and when he feels song, but does nothing useful to alleviate poverty. Go do something if you really care for the larger community. He always talks about his influence and good taste right, why not rally your rich kakis and start a soup kitchen rather than make useless videos that make haters like me despise you? Many of your rich kakis are like you, retired chefs and food tasters. Surely you have enough resources amongst you to put something together
Agree completely.

What the fuck has this piece of shit done for hawkers? I don’t see him rallying fund raising activities or drive lower cost food supplies over to them. So this cheebye only open mouth and talk!


Leemember, PAP started as socialists but as they became rich, became Leepubican/CONsexvertive. Subsidy is a 4-letter word. They can lead social enterprice but won't be the ones paying for it, even though lower priced hawker food is strategically important to SG. (UNESCO heritage?!)


Leemember, PAP started as socialists but as they became rich, became Leepubican/CONsexvertive. Subsidy is a 4-letter word. They can lead social enterprice but won't be the ones paying for it, even though lower priced hawker food is strategically important to SG. (UNESCO heritage?!)
you can't monopolise trade and still pretend everything is subject to market forces. PAP is the market force, it is also the hand that kills your biz


this cheebai is a retiree living the good life. Shoots from his cock as and when he feels song, but does nothing useful to alleviate poverty. Go do something if you really care for the larger community. He always talks about his influence and good taste right, why not rally your rich kakis and start a soup kitchen rather than make useless videos that make haters like me despise you? Many of your rich kakis are like you, retired chefs and food tasters. Surely you have enough resources amongst you to put something together
He had sex with dead Bourdain.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
hawkers really got squeezed on both hands by gahmen ...

gahmen raise rent on 1 hand ... on ze other hand, dey coerce hawkers 2 sel their fud chip ...

y ze gahmen hate hawkers so much? ...

1 can juz go visit n educational institution 2 c how low rent can bring down fud prices ...

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Budget mean rice with gravy or noodles without ingredients lor
I’m sure the hawkers profit margin higher like that


Brings back pleasant memories of the YOG meal packets comprised of a mound of rice, a meat fillet and six pieces of long bean. Majulah Pappy!

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