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[Sg] - Josephine Teo makes deepfake video of herself to prove that PAP needs stronger laws to fight deepfake videos


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset



Alfrescian (Inf)
Love you see you try and 'fight' this you PAP cocksuckers. :rolleyes:

Can't stand the satire, don't be a public figure. :FU:

Who made this feckless NTUC bitch the de facto 'tech czar' of Sinkieland? The Useless Son who was spurned at Lee Wei Ling's funeral? :roflmao:

All the vainglorious female TikTok streamers who apply beauty filters to their faces, that's also a form of deepfake too. :wink:




laws do not solve most problems. This media stuff, law cannot control it. Even the law of returning tray in coffeeshop cannot control too. I just left the tray on the table yesterday, i totally do not care.