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[Sg] - Jap chiobu Ai Takagi adds mealworms to her Ramen for Halloween menu, you want to eat?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset



Aaron carter

The real Singapore is about activism, just like Iris koh.
Nah, it's about profiteering from eyeballs, ain't no fucking activism happening with TRS.

The court heard that TRS received more than 134 million page views in total from May 2014 to March last year, double that of the preceding year.

DPP Kannan said the website used advertising services by Google and Taboola, which display advertisements alongside articles. Each time an article is viewed on the site, an advertisement is displayed and TRS would be paid for it.

Between December 2013 and April last year, the website earned over A$473,000 (S$488,000) in advertising revenue from Google alone, he said.
