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[Sg] - Humful Char Kway Teow (more bloody hum than char kway teow) kena complaint to NEA & SFA


Old Fart
This is the way char kway teow should be! Raw see hum, and even raw oysters. Stall is Heng Huat Fried Kway Teow




Alfrescian (Inf)
This is the way char kway teow should be! Raw see hum, and even raw oysters. Stall is Heng Huat Fried Kway Teow


u sure tis is charred kuay teow? ... me c no got kway teow leh ... but dat piece of egg is sextra big ... rooks like u got sextra egg ...


Old Fart
Want eat CKT dun care about healthy la
Wt f so much veggies
Must be that jade CKT at Beach Road
Fucking abomination
I don't think the veggies are there for health reasons, because they are very oily too. More for the contrast in texture, i.e., added crunch. The stall is at Pasir Panjang. But I think their standard has dropped in the past decade.