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[Sg] - Ho Ching criticizes ex-ST journalist Bertha Henson for criticizing SMRT & LTA


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

Bertha’s original FB post



Alfrescian (Inf)
y not tok about making significant progress in ensuring smrt dun haf anymor break downs, disruptions, slow downs n wat haf u? ...


Alfrescian (Inf)
what if it’s systemic and not a one off? what if entire system and all lines are compromised by cheap replacement rails from tiongcock that have undetected hairline cracks? everyday derailment ok? everyday outage until cows cum home? everyone who’s not elite and doesn’t drive will lose patience and kpkb too.


"many are working round the clock to give them back their convenience", so our fault or sala again huh?

WHO is the "shareholder" and "management" here, the commuters or the train company?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Reminder: after this post on FB, no one who has an IQ above room temperature should be taking Ho Ching seriously.

She is nothing more than a clown, who lacks the awareness to understand that she herself is a clown. 跳梁小丑 :cool:



Alfrescian (Inf)
The greatest improvement and progress is to see the ministers salary cut by half and to be in tandem with world politician's salary instead of CEO salary.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
Mdm Ho should sexplain why she allow 35 year old train running but not 35 year old planes in SIA? Why not 35 year old buses as well?