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[Sg] - Fundraising for dog who kena run over by BMW and has medical bills of over $50k to pay


Alfrescian (Inf)
If you think this is ludicrous wait till you see how much the twits of this era spend on their pets' funeral and cremation.

Even for pets such as hamsters and rabbits. :biggrin:


If you think this is ludicrous wait till you see how much the twits of this era spend on their pets' funeral and cremation.

Even for pets such as hamsters and rabbits. :biggrin:

I have a friend who still keeps the ashes of his golden retriever in his living room. The dog died of old age in 1987.


I think it's better to put it to sleep instead of prolonging its suffering. At least he'll have a chance to reincarnate, probably into a rich family's son in future.


I think it's better to put it to sleep instead of prolonging its suffering. At least he'll have a chance to reincarnate, probably into a rich family's son in future.

Or reincarnate into another slutty bitch like Ginfreely.