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[Sg] - Former NMP Calvin Cheng (being anti-PAP?): “Paying public servants & politicians well to prevent corruption is a silly justification!”


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset



It therefore means on the other hand of the scale that all those Sinkies who paid paid poorly and low wages are generally prone to corruption.
Only the self entitled and rich PAP Ministars are corrupt free.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Then publicly denounce and disavow LKY. Paying them well to stave off corruption was often bragged about by him, especially in his memoirs. :wink:

Remember to do it in 2025, SG60. :cool:

I picked three auspicious days to do so:

1) 10th anniversary of Get Well Soon: 23 March 2025.
2) 60th anniversary of getting kicked out of Malaysia: 9 August 2025.
3) Venerating Madam Chua for producing the SG Messiah: 16 September 2025.