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[Sg] - Forklift driver beaten up bloody in Jurong by 4 truck drivers for staring at 1 of their chiobu girlfriend


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

The victim's friend told Shin Min that the victim was waiting outside a toilet when his would-be attackers apparently passed by with achiobu girlfriend in tow.

The victim then glanced at the chiobu girlfriend.


Noticing this, the truck drivers asked him what he was looking at!

He responded by asking why he can not look?

That was when the group assaulted him.



Hell I didn't know that looking is molest.
But I know that we should not be looking at any girls when they are with any man to avoid trouble.



The victim's friend told Shin Min that the victim was waiting outside a toilet when his would-be attackers apparently passed by with achiobu girlfriend in tow.

The victim then glanced at the chiobu girlfriend.


Noticing this, the truck drivers asked him what he was looking at!

He responded by asking why he can not look?

That was when the group assaulted him.

Rioting is a rotan offence
Let's see whether PAP has included PRCs into the list of non rotan-able person's.
Sinkies are clearly 4th class citizens.

syed putra

The girl should have final say on the outcome. Normally women like it if men notices them. As they go older, they get depressed as less such incidents occurs.


My condolences to the victim & may he have a speedy recovery. Whatever he had done, there is NO need to resort to violence, here in our Rule of Law Nation. Those barbarians regardless if local or foreign will be found & bear the consequences in our Courts of Law, to uphold our way of life.

1. Should anyone else ever face such a similar situation, there is no need to be afraid when confronted by gangsters or the violent. Just keep cool & calm, & instead of using words which may be misunderstood or provoke another into violence, just raise up both arms with palms facing outward silently, for calm & curtail any further actions by anyone.

Then using NINE fingers, flash it 3 times, to denote 999. It is an universal sign of security from a Democratic State organ that most would understand, to comprehend, to pause & consider the consequences of violent actions.

3. Some violent ones, whom may in their foolish rage that allowed their fists to talk instead of their minds, may not recognized such direct signals, & proceed with violent actions. All one needs is THEN to drop the ground, lay in a FETAL position - hands covering head, knees tucked in to stomach, & lay still, absorbing the punches.

Those violent ones, even in their moments of rage, will KNOW that murder is a CAPITAL Crime, thus they only want to vent their anger - a psychological release & ego boosts WITHOUT considerations of consequences.

And the consequences WILL BE SEVERE - jail sentences & Revocation of PR status or deportation, to say the least.

4. However, should one face ARMED violent barbaric animals, stay calm first, TALK & negotiate, WHILE assessing safe EXIT routes. Talking will slow down their murderous thoughts, & once the exit route had been found within the calm mind, create a DISTRACTION - throw & chair or anything, for that few seconds advantage & RUN AS FAR AWAY as possible thru thought out exists.

Singapore is a Rule of Law Nation. There are security cameras everywhere, even within private owned enterprises, to keep everyone safe.


There are many Chinese PRC and Indians gangs in Jurong

My condolences to the victim & may he have a speedy recovery. Whatever he had done, there is NO need to resort to violence, here in our Rule of Law Nation. Those barbarians regardless if local or foreign will be found & bear the consequences in our Courts of Law, to uphold our way of life.

1. Should anyone else ever face such a similar situation, there is no need to be afraid when confronted by gangsters or the violent. Just keep cool & calm, & instead of using words which may be misunderstood or provoke another into violence, just raise up both arms with palms facing outward silently, for calm & curtail any further actions by anyone.

2. Then using NINE fingers, flash it 3 times, to denote 999
. It is an universal sign of security from a Democratic State organ that most would understand, to comprehend, to pause & consider the consequences of violent actions.

3. Some violent ones, whom may in their foolish rage that allowed their fists to talk instead of their minds, may not recognized such direct signals, & proceed with violent actions. All one needs is THEN to drop the ground, lay in a FETAL position - hands covering head, knees tucked in to stomach, & lay still, absorbing the punches.

Those violent ones, even in their moments of rage, will KNOW that murder is a CAPITAL Crime, thus they only want to vent their anger - a psychological release & ego boosts WITHOUT considerations of consequences.

And the consequences WILL BE SEVERE - jail sentences & Revocation of PR status or deportation, to say the least.

4. However, should one face ARMED violent barbaric animals, stay calm first, TALK & negotiate, WHILE assessing safe EXIT routes. Talking will slow down their murderous thoughts, & once the exit route had been found within the calm mind, create a DISTRACTION - throw & chair or anything, for that few seconds advantage & RUN AS FAR AWAY as possible thru thought out exists.

Singapore is a Rule of Law Nation. There are security cameras everywhere, even within private owned enterprises, to keep everyone safe.

syed putra

My condolences to the victim & may he have a speedy recovery. Whatever he had done, there is NO need to resort to violence, here in our Rule of Law Nation. Those barbarians regardless if local or foreign will be found & bear the consequences in our Courts of Law, to uphold our way of life.

1. Should anyone else ever face such a similar situation, there is no need to be afraid when confronted by gangsters or the violent. Just keep cool & calm, & instead of using words which may be misunderstood or provoke another into violence, just raise up both arms with palms facing outward silently, for calm & curtail any further actions by anyone.

2. Then using NINE fingers, flash it 3 times, to denote 999
. It is an universal sign of security from a Democratic State organ that most would understand, to comprehend, to pause & consider the consequences of violent actions.

3. Some violent ones, whom may in their foolish rage that allowed their fists to talk instead of their minds, may not recognized such direct signals, & proceed with violent actions. All one needs is THEN to drop the ground, lay in a FETAL position - hands covering head, knees tucked in to stomach, & lay still, absorbing the punches.

Those violent ones, even in their moments of rage, will KNOW that murder is a CAPITAL Crime, thus they only want to vent their anger - a psychological release & ego boosts WITHOUT considerations of consequences.

And the consequences WILL BE SEVERE - jail sentences & Revocation of PR status or deportation, to say the least.

4. However, should one face ARMED violent barbaric animals, stay calm first, TALK & negotiate, WHILE assessing safe EXIT routes. Talking will slow down their murderous thoughts, & once the exit route had been found within the calm mind, create a DISTRACTION - throw & chair or anything, for that few seconds advantage & RUN AS FAR AWAY as possible thru thought out exists.

Singapore is a Rule of Law Nation. There are security cameras everywhere, even within private owned enterprises, to keep everyone safe.
These gangsters, are like IDF. They have no rules. Only show of force and feeling supremacist. Having people whimper in pain and suffering is the only language they understand.