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[Sg] - Foodpanda order missing 2 milk teas worth $8.20, but Foodpanda says they can only refund him $1.20


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset



Alfrescian (Inf)
One very good reason not to use food delivery. The bad experience and money lost from just one incident is enough.

Poor Guy

Young able-bodied and mobile people should just walk into the shops and buy whatever they want. Don't waste additional money on such services.

syed putra

One very good reason not to use food delivery. The bad experience and money lost from just one incident is enough.

Young able-bodied and mobile people should just walk into the shops and buy whatever they want. Don't waste additional money on such services
Don't bad mouth deliveroos, unemployables like me get to earn a decent living instead of having to mug and snatch necklaces snd handbags,.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Why do dumbasses order milk tea with a food delivery serf?

I believe it's no longer nice to drink when it arrives at your home.

Poor Guy

Spare a thought for deliveroos.

And end up like you?
These jobs are not on flexi time. Unlike food deliveroos.

A cleaner can earn about $1,400 a month with annual leave and medical leave should be quite good for you than doing a dangerous delivery job on the road.