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[Sg] - Financial consultant who scammed victims out of S$1mil made police report against himself, kena arrested and jailed


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset




Old Fart
Actually he quite smart.
He kept the 1mil+ without restitution and sentenced to 3yrs+ and he is only 36yo.
He probably has it all planned out to surrender himself so that he can retire early.
Yes, that would be lucrative if they don't find ways to recover the $1M.


Yes, that would be lucrative if they don't find ways to recover the $1M.
Supposingly he has dugged a hole to Bury those 1mil+ , will the authority keep a watch on him and wait to nab him ? If he is caught will he be sentenced to jail again or this 3 years sentenced already a finalised sentence ?


Supposingly he has dugged a hole to Bury those 1mil+ , will the authority keep a watch on him and wait to nab him ? If he is caught will he be sentenced to jail again or this 3 years sentenced already a finalised sentence ?
If he convert all to cash and kept it well hidden, then yes, there is no way the authorities can recover. But once he deposit any amount into the bank, will be GG as its traceable.

This is provided those $1M are still available. He could have already lost all in forex trading, LOL.


If he convert all to cash and kept it well hidden, then yes, there is no way the authorities can recover. But once he deposit any amount into the bank, will be GG as its traceable.

This is provided those $1M are still available. He could have already lost all in forex trading, LOL.
TBH, 1m is not big nowadays esp after 2022-23 great huat huat price hike

Many of us wealth kena shrinkage