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[Sg] - Ex-ustaz charged for groping malay boy's cock in mosque


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset


red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
i am sure he is just checking whether its circumcised or not...no need to get hanged up on it.


From what is really a simple belief becomes one so complicated you need to memorise a entire book.

No one is forcing anyone. But if i am able to, i would try to memorise it too. Words of Allah. Of course murtad like you would nvr understand.

syed putra

No one is forcing anyone. But if i am able to, i would try to memorise it too. Words of Allah. Of course murtad like you would nvr understand.
I think you should study more based on historical evidence from various sources rather than just a book which is not even published by Mahomet.


I think you should study more based on historical evidence from various sources rather than just a book which is not even published by Mahomet.

We are Muslims. We believe in Allah swt. We believe in Angels too:smile: But murtad like you will never understand. Wait till you breathe your last breath, when Angel of Death snatch your soul away. By then no amount of evidence can save your soul from hell fire.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Details about him, the mosque and the boy, who was around 15 years old at the time of the alleged offences, cannot be disclosed due to a gag order to protect the boy’s identity.

More like to protect the mosque's identity. The mosque's identity is a mystery but for whatever reason, the Shitty Times presstitutes see it necessary to put a picture of the Sultan Mosque as a visual aid for their article. LOL. :biggrin: