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[Sg] - EDMWer's brilliant plan for Mother's Day


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

BunnyPancake :​

We were discussing about buying the perfect present for someone else, then he told me it is the thought that counts.

Then he told me that time Mother's Day, he and his siblings went to Dian Xiao Er to eat to celebrate Mother's Day.

He realised they forgot to buy cake or present or what. Instead, he stood up from his chair and sang:
世 上 只 有 妈 妈 好 (Shi shang zhi you mama hao)

Suddenly, his siblings and family sing together... Then next table also follow. Then staff also follow. Whole restaurant everyone singing.

Then finish le, all clap clap to their mothers. Some moms teared.

I jitao frowned and looked at him... But can't tell if he CSB-ing with me or gong jiao wei sia... But definitely not going to listen to his feedback liao. Cringe sia...
