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[Sg] - EDMWer's aunty had had enough with tenants from Burma.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

yonglimm :​

Rented out a room to 2 burmese nurses just 1 months ago.........one of the condition is only light cooking like cooking instant noodle........but when my aunty is not home, they took the opportunity to cook up a storm.......when my aunty came back later, the whole house stink of their disgusting food.......when she confronted them, they claim they just reheat the food, no cooking......but my aunty caught them one day when she came back early............got black and white so no need to argue....... call the agent to resolve.......in the end they wanted to terminate the lease and take back the deposit.....my aunty not wanting any trouble agree but they must FO in 3 days.......they agree and left on last Sat.......my aunty tell the agent to add burmese to her ban list beside ceca and pinoy.......:s7:

So this is a warning to those who wanting to rent to burmese to be wary......before leasing everything is agreeable......after moving in start to chut pattern......

chuakboon :​

I met Two dishonest before.
One was my maid. On air con never switched off. When ask she said the floor cold cos downstairs on aircon.

fartking :​

Not only myanmar, jhb also sama sama becos its not their home mah,i rent to 4 gals, toilet i stall new shower head they dont use, probably they are used to shower with pail and tap running, i can hear the pressure of the pipe from my master room, which i believe alot of water are splash wasted to the drainage.

Yesterday nobody in, gf and me adjusted the main outside to half the pressure, already this morning they complain liao. As usual the aircon was used non stop as they all work staggered timings. Luckily i charge them high per tenant.

FireEmblem :​

Wah liew, they like a certain food that is super smelly, dunno what is that.
U go peninsular plaza will smell that.

c@libooboo :​

No, that horrible smell is bamboo shoots. They dunno cook with some stuff and then smells like that.. whenever i walk past it smells like the building sewage burst like that...

demongod :​

Ya that smelly bamboo shoot fugging gross.
