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[Sg] - EDMWers and Sg Redditors wonder : Why is LHL still secretary general of the PAP and not PM LW?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset


Wendy Hia : What is your read ??​

tExtra :​

1. Former PM’s trump card to protect himself from being backstabbed by the current one / he is still under probation loh. If tao eh buay song, can expelled him from the party. In doing so, LW can no longer be PM.

3. Tao eh became 太上皇. This practice is not uncommon. CCP practices this. Emperor / daimiyos of olden Japan also.

3. Part of transition. Lao Goh only took over the role a year or two after becoming PM IIRC.



maybe he resigned and hide below liang por por because everyday i fuck cheebye loong........i will fuck him until he totally disappear from this world