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[Sg] - EDMWer warns : [Taobao Dispute] Think twice about Taobao's Local Return Policy


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

Dorkable :​

Recently, I bought several prescriptive specs from Taobao at one shot under their SG本地退 (Local Return Service) label. Provided the sellers the same vision stats. Upon receiving them, discovered that all of their lenses caused either warped vision, blurriness, giddiness, fatigue or perhaps incorrect Pupillary Distance/degree.

Disappointed, I tried talking to one of the sellers to feedback, but they got defensive right away and kept biting that they merely followed the prescription I gave them. So I decided to apply for the SG本地退 to return the items and get my refund. Then I discovered that they now charge S$3.85 for service per item, even if they are from the same seller. Fine, I paid every single one and they got approved, and arrangement for the pickup by Ninjavan also done.

Just know, Taobao called me on the phone and told me that the return policy does not include custom made items. So they warned me that the items I am returning would likely be rejected. I got unhappy hearing that of coz and argued with them coz:
1. Nowhere in their SG本地退 advert did they state clearly to customers that it is limited to certain items.
2. Their own system approved my applications and even accepted my payment for the return service and return arrangements made.

They admitted that their system is unable to distinguish custom labelled items, so they approved my refund request online without checking. So it is apparent that their system is severely lacking and they don't plan on refunding me my $300. I am still in the midst of dispute with them now. All in all, this has been the worst I have experienced from Taobao. Strongly advise all to keep to Shopee and Lazada to save all the stress.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Or you Fuckwarezone chucklefucks can patronize a proper optical shop.

Even buying from an optical shop in JB is better than buying online from those Tiong fuckers.