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[Sg] - Eat from these 10 local F&B brands & do good for the planet!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

Mandai is collaborating with a variety of local food establishments with sustainable practices to offer menu items and grocery bundles inspired by the diets of wildlife from Oct. 21 till Nov. 25, 2022.

These special creations shed light on the different roles wildlife play to help keep our ecosystem in balance and provide us with services like clean air and more - be it dispersing seeds or controlling populations of pests and prey to nutrient cycling.

A healthier planet benefits all of us, and we too can do our part by making good choices in our everyday lives.

You can start by trying these creations the next time you dine out.

A part of the proceeds will go towards supporting wildlife conservation efforts in Singapore and across Southeast Asia.

Here are 10 of the 20 participating establishments and the creations they are whipping up, which you can have for breakfast, lunch, dinner, as a snack or simply to quench your thirst.



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Mandai is collaborating with a variety of local food establishments with sustainable practices to offer menu items and grocery bundles inspired by the diets of wildlife from Oct. 21 till Nov. 25, 2022.

These special creations shed light on the different roles wildlife play to help keep our ecosystem in balance and provide us with services like clean air and more - be it dispersing seeds or controlling populations of pests and prey to nutrient cycling.

A healthier planet benefits all of us, and we too can do our part by making good choices in our everyday lives.

You can start by trying these creations the next time you dine out.

A part of the proceeds will go towards supporting wildlife conservation efforts in Singapore and across Southeast Asia.

Here are 10 of the 20 participating establishments and the creations they are whipping up, which you can have for breakfast, lunch, dinner, as a snack or simply to quench your thirst.

No thanks. I prefer the good old nasi lemak, char kway teow, hokkien mee, prawn noodle, roti prata and mee rebus.