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[Sg] - Chiobu Hawker Shed 26kg To Prep Herself For Opening A Fried Chicken & Dessert Stall At Chomp Chomp


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset




Scrooball (clone)

<<Priscilla now pays a monthly rental of $3,100, and spent around $10,000 to set up shop. She confessed: “I’m not sure if an appeal [to join the programme] works at this point, but the rental is killing me.”>>

If a $3k rental is killing her, she ain’t going to survive.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Won't last a year. This kind of cuisine, better open a standalone cafe/bistro in the downtown area. If that location has a constant flow of tourists, white collar workers and nearby residents, it will be good.

Scrooball (clone)

Won't last a year. This kind of cuisine, better open a standalone cafe/bistro in the downtown area. If that location has a constant flow of tourists, white collar workers and nearby residents, it will be good.
If she had so much money, she would have done it liao la


Alfrescian (Inf)
Individuals who desire to operate a f and b business, may wish to evaluate the start up costs, the monthly overheads, and estimate the average daily sales to break even. A weekly cash flow projection for 20 weeks and monthly for a year, will assist him or het to determine the cash flow required.


Alfrescian (Inf)
May I suggest that she seeks an appointment with a dentist and dental hygienist every 6 to 9 months, and consider a consultation with an orthodontist.

Scrooball (clone)

May I suggest that she seeks an appointment with a dentist and dental hygienist every 6 to 9 months, and consider a consultation with an orthodontist.
It’s a good suggestion. But she will probably ask u to take it, roll it up tightly and shove it up where the sun don’t shine.


In Mudland, I visited a simple cafe selling traditional Malaysian food.
Toast, nasi lemak.. coffee , tea and fried food and Noodle

They have at least 4 person all in all to run the outlet from morning to night. 1 cashier, 2 kitchen crew , 1 to help out clear table,wash the plate cutlery and wipe the table clean.

Business is brisks. What I want to say is that she could try her luck in Mudland mall where footfall is relatively high, rental costs is tons lower , manpower is much cheaper and easily available.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Stain can unstain. But her teeth are crooked lah, never used braces when young. Wasted, she has a pretty face and a nice smile.
Orthodontist and braces are not cheap.
It used ti be about Cdn $5,500 almost a decade ago, but recently, it is about $7,500 to $9,500.
Without braces, ny teeth were straight when I was under age 55, but recently, it has grown irregular.


Alfrescian (Inf)
She may wish to use an electrical tooth brush.
A complete dental check up, scaling and polishing is strongly recommended.


Alfrescian (Inf)
She may wish to use an electrical tooth brush.
A complete dental check up, scaling and polishing is strongly recommended.
deep cleaning also recommended. and regular checkups and cleaning every 6.9 months. unfortunately sinkies don’t have the habit and urge of seeing the dentist until either pain or serious decay causes discomfort. it’s worse in prc. tiongs have rotten gums and teeth, and they speak with horrible breath.